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Social Run + Coffee + Donate Blood & Rain or Shine Ice Cream

Sat, Aug 24


Vancouver City Park

This is an easy social run. Its meant for runners of all levels. We run for 30 mins and generally do around 4-5K. This is not an intense workout. After the run you can donate blood and get a gift from Rain or Shine Ice Cream

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Social Run + Coffee + Donate Blood & Rain or Shine Ice Cream
Social Run + Coffee + Donate Blood & Rain or Shine Ice Cream

Time & Location

2 more dates

Aug 24, 2024, 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM PDT

Vancouver City Park, 872 Richards St, Vancouver, BC V6B 3B4, Canada

About the Event

Donate Blood & Rain or Shine Ice Cream:

If you're interested, you can register for a spot to donate blood at the Yaletown Roundhouse. Our group appointments start at 11am, so we'll have some water and then stroll over there. Here is what you need to do:

  1. Check that you're eligible with the eligibility quiz and refer to our full list of criteria if needed
  2. Sign in or register for an account here:  
  3. Click on this link to join your team: 

For every 2 people that donate, we'll get a giftcard for a pint of ice cream for Rain or Shine Ice Cream. Can you say Ice Cream Party!

The Run:

This is an easy social run. Its meant for runners of all levels. We run for 30 mins and generally do around 4-5K.

Quick Agenda:

  1. Club Annoucements
  2. Quick icebreaker (posted on instagram that morning)
  3. Break into pace groups, 
  4. Jog 
  5. Post run coffee and baked goods (sometimes gelato).


Our pace groups are: 6, 6:30 and 7mins/K

This is meant to be social, so find an easy pace for you, so you can chat and meet some great people. Remember when you run and talk, your pace slows down significantly (at least 30secs/K) or you start huffing and puffing. 

If you're not sure where you fit in, send us a message ( and we'll chat with you about different paces. 

We'd also love to open up slower pace groups or if you'd like to just come and use the group as an accountability session, you can start with us and then meet us for coffee after.

Post Run:

Generally we go to a local coffee shop. But sometimes we go for Gelato or head to a bakery that is a bit further away. But we'll let you know before we do that. Otherwise you can assume we are ending in Yaletown. 

By participating in this activities organized by Social Run Club you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to the Community Guidelines, the Event Waiver and Event Release


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